Chennai, Tamil Nadu is home to the CSK, an Indian professional cricket team. The team was among the eight franchises that were included when the Indian Premier League (IPL) was founded in 2008. The M. A. Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai is the venue for home games. With a record-tying five IPL championships, Super Kings is the most successful IPL team. More than any other club, they have participated in 14 IPL seasons, appearing in a record 10 finals and making it to the playoffs 12 times.
At VGN, we've always been passionate about cricket, a sport that embodies the spirit of Chennai. For two glorious years we were the proud Principal Sponsor of the CSK – our very own Yellow Army!
2 Glorious
Sponsors of
5 Times
IPL Champions
VGN Man of
the Match
Trophy Award
CSK embodies the fighting spirit of Chennai, consistently reaching for greatness on the field. Their dedication to the game mirrored VGN's commitment to excellence in construction and customer satisfaction. Sponsoring CSK allowed us to connect with fans on a deeper level, celebrating the thrill of the sport together, with the legendary MS Dhoni leading the charge from behind the stumps.
VGN’s Managing Director - Pratish Vedhappudi (to the second from left) an instrumental figure in setting up the groups homebuilding division and a huge cricket fan. As part of the “Six For A Cause”, Pratish Vedhappudi Contributed towards the initiative.