High-Rise vs Low-Rise Apartments: Pros and Cons

High-Rise vs Low-Rise Apartments: Pros and Cons

When searching for residential apartments in Chennai, there are several factors to take into account. These include the number of rooms, the location, expenses, and one significant aspect: the height of the building. Deciding between a high-rise or a low-rise apartment in Chennai can be a source of confusion for many. In this guide, we will explore the pros and cons of living in both types of apartments, so you can make an informed decision.  

Before we begin our comparison, let's clarify the terms "high-rise apartment" and "low-rise apartment." In simple terms, high-rise or low-rise city apartments typically refer to a building that exceeds a specific height or number of stories. The exact classification can vary depending on the country and organisation. 

What are low rise apartments/flats/buildings?

According to the norms outlined in the Indian Building Code for fire safety, buildings that have a height of up to 15 m from the first access point for a fire engine are categorised as low-rise constructions. In general, low-rise buildings typically consist of four floors or fewer. Each floor of a low-rise flat usually accommodates a single dwelling. 

What are high rise apartments/flats/buildings?

In India, high-rise apartments are typically defined as starting at 5 stories. These buildings are characterised by their tall and multi-story nature, providing ample housing units across various floors. Unlike houses or smaller buildings, big high-rise apartments require elevators for vertical transportation as it would be impractical to access the top floor solely through stairs. It's worth noting that there is also a maximum height at which a high-rise building becomes classified as a skyscraper. Generally, any building exceeding 40 to 50 stories would fall into this category. 

Pros of Low Rise Apartments

        More Amenities and Parking: Unless we are specifically referring to luxury high-rise apartments, low-rise apartment communities generally offer a greater number of amenities such as pools and clubhouses, as well as a higher availability of parking spaces. 

        Provide Greater Peace and Privacy: While there are those who enjoy the lively atmosphere of a big city, others seek a serene and tranquil environment. The location and smaller scale of low-rise apartments make them a more favourable choice for individuals who value privacy. 

        Easy Access to Greener Areas: One of the amenities provided in low-rise apartments is the presence of ample green spaces. These apartments are more likely to have beautifully landscaped grounds, gardens, shade trees, walking paths, and other features that appeal to nature lovers.

        Proximity to the Street: If you have a busy lifestyle or if there is an elderly or disabled person residing with you, you will appreciate the convenience of accessing a low-rise apartment. This becomes particularly crucial in emergency situations, such as a fire or serious health issues, where easy accessibility is of utmost importance. 

        Affordable: Low-rise buildings generally have a smaller number of units, which often makes them more affordable to rent compared to other options. This is primarily due to their location, and landlords are often more open to negotiating the rental price for these units.

        Located in Residential Areas: Low-rise apartments are commonly built in residential neighbourhoods on the outskirts of the city. While this may require a longer commute for those working in the central location of the city, it offers several advantages. These include lower levels of foot and vehicle traffic, reduced pollution, and a stronger sense of community among residents. 

Cons of Living in Low Rise Apartments

Some shortcomings of opting for a low-rise apartment are:

        Dwellings located on the ground or first floors have multiple potential points of access for intruders, which can compromise the security of the residents.

        Low-rise apartments are more susceptible to damage in the event of floods.

        Lower floors in low-rise buildings offer limited access to a good view, which is not a concern in high-rise structures. 

Pros of Living in High Rise Apartments

Some perks of owning and living in a home in a high-rise apartment complex are:

        High-rise dwellings provide a peaceful environment due to their higher altitude, offering minimal noise pollution along with cleaner air and better ventilation. Additionally, the scenic views and ample natural light are notable benefits of residing in high-rise units.

        Privacy is often enhanced on upper floors of high-rise apartments, providing a sense of seclusion that may be lacking on lower floors.

        Compared to ground-level developments, high-rise buildings typically feature well-planned security systems that prioritise safety. Furthermore, intruders have limited access to the higher floors, further enhancing security.

        While the thought of climbing stairs to reach higher floors may be daunting, all high-rise apartments are equipped with elevators, ensuring convenient access to the upper levels.

        High-rise structures generally offer a larger number of housing units compared to low-rise buildings, presenting home buyers with an abundant range of choices. 

Cons of Living in High Rise Apartments

The disadvantages of high-rise apartments include:

        Evacuation becomes more challenging in emergencies, such as fires, the higher the floor of the apartment. This difficulty is amplified when there are family members with disabilities. High-rise apartments require complex evacuation plans due to the larger number of people and floors involved.

        In many places, high-rise building apartments tend to be more expensive compared to low-rise apartments.

        The average construction cost per square foot for a high-rise building is typically 20-25 per cent higher than that of a low-rise building, making it a more costly investment.

        Cleaning and maintaining the exteriors of high-rise buildings can be both expensive and hazardous.

        During earthquakes, taller buildings are more susceptible to damage. 

Regardless of whether someone prefers a low-rise or high-rise building apartment, the ultimate decision of which type of housing to invest in depends on the individual's personal preferences or specific needs. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages that potential investors and homebuyers need to carefully analyse.